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How to Repair an Asphalt Parking Lot

Keeping your parking lot in great condition is an important aspect of your business. You may need to repair a small crack in the asphalt or reseal a larger crack. In either case, it is important to take care of the problem before it gets worse. Asphalt repair in Palm Harbor FL can save you from unexpected expenses and lawsuits. You should regularly inspect your parking lot to identify small problems before they become bigger. The cost of repairs is usually fairly low, and can be easily absorbed into your budget.

Infrared asphalt restoration is a cost-effective way to fix your asphalt. This type of repair is independent of the asphalt plant's schedule and can be performed at any time of day or night. This method is particularly effective at improving the look of asphalt parking lots. It is also an environmentally friendly option.

The first step in repairing crumbling asphalt is to clean the surface. A good pressure washer and a broom can be used to remove debris. Next, an angle grinder with a diamond wheel can be used to widen hairline cracks. This may also require the removal of vegetation.

After the area is clean, a 1-inch thick layer of hot-mix asphalt is applied. This is then compacted with a vibratory roller. A thicker patch will require more compaction passes. Once it is compacted, a new asphalt patch is applied in two layers. It is then tamped down with a powered or hand-powered tamper.

If the asphalt has a few major cracks, you might want to try repairing the surface using a skin patch. These patches are designed for larger areas of pavement. They can be applied by one to three workers. These patches must be graded for water runoff.

You can also read this blog and learn how to repair small cracks on the asphalt surface using a cold patch. This is a temporary solution, but is a good option for small repairs. Cold asphalt patches contain polymer adhesive to keep them from deteriorating over time. They are also durable and are guaranteed to last for a long time.

Another option for repairing asphalt is using an AquaSet. This product is a water-activated, environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional asphalt repair. It is easy to apply, requires no special tools and is used in all types of weather. It is especially effective in hot weather.

You may also want to use sealcoat to protect your asphalt. This can be used to protect the asphalt surface from damage caused by water, weeds and insects. Sealcoat is easy to apply and should be done a couple of days after the repair.

It is also important to inspect your asphalt regularly. In any weather, potholes can develop and become a safety hazard. It can also lead to expensive lawsuits. To prevent this from happening, you should fix any small cracks before they turn into potholes. The cost of repairing a pothole can vary significantly depending on the size and severity of the crack. A pothole that is deeper than the asphalt should be filled with gravel or sand. If the pothole is large enough to cause structural damage, you may need to remove the asphalt and replace it with new asphalt. For more details about the subject above, visit

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